2016 K-LOVE Fan Awards Program

Dear K-LOVE Family, Last year, on this very weekend, our family celebrated Christ’s love for us all—together with all of you. I remember praying and giving thanks for the opportunity to praise His name with so many of you! To have the honor this year, once again, absolutely brought the most joyful tears to my eyes (and cheers from our three kids!), as the K-LOVE weekend had such a meaningful and lasting impact on our family. K-LOVE opened our hearts to FULL celebration in Jesus. That weekend, during this very place of worship and praise, K-LOVE became home to us, and for that I thank you all. On the drive to the hospital the day of my surgery last year, when I was ridden with fear, K-LOVE was there, and I was gifted comfort. While I waited for the results for eight days, K-LOVE was there, and I was gifted peace. When I am impatient in traffic, K-LOVE is there. When we have those tough talks—and there are no words— K-LOVE is there with just the right song. (HOW DO THEY DO THAT?!) Wherever I am, and however I am, K-LOVE has been that vehicle to the peace and grace and mercy of our great God! To come home to all of you is a blessing beyond description. (Psalm 138:8) The privilege to introduce all of the incredibly talented musicians and artists throughout the night who are using their gifts for the glory of God gives me chills! The stories they tell in song, the music sharing the message of Christ’s love for us—so much so that He died for us while we were yet sinners (Romans 5:8)—is courageous. I thank God for the chance to grow closer to Him this weekend with all of you. The K-LOVE Fan Awards give us a chance to celebrate our heavenly home—where our great God has saved a place for us—and we have the great gift of getting a glimpse of that home as we join together tonight! Your Sister in Christ, Elisabeth Hasselbeck | tonight’s Hosts | Dear friends, When Steven Curtis Chapman’s Signs of Life Tour rolled into Champaign, Illinois, to play Assembly Hall Arena in 1998, there was a bright-eyed college student sitting up in the cheap seats who had no idea his life was about to change. That was the night I felt God calling me to be part of the next generation of music makers and storytellers reaching a lost and hurting world with Christ-centered music. I smile now as I think about how faithful God has been to lead me exactly where He said He would all those years ago, and I’m humbled to be part of this family called contemporary Christian music. (And I tell Steven Curtis that story every time I see him…) I’m honored to be back hosting the K-LOVE Fan Awards and have come to look forward to this special event each year. This is a night of celebration, but what I love about the K-LOVE Fan Awards is that we are celebrating so much more than just the achievements of some singers on a stage or songs on the radio. While other award shows shine the light on celebrity and fame, tonight we celebrate the God who is big enough to use something as little as a three-miute song to travel through the airwaves of K-LOVE radio and reach straight to the heart with an encouraging message. I pray that every song you hear tonight and every award presented will serve as another reminder of how powerful and relentless the love of God really is. And while it may be in bad taste to quote a lyric from my own song, please indulge me. On this night where there can only be one winner in each category, may each one of us celebrate the ultimate victory we have in Christ. Grace wins, my friends. Every time. ENJOY TONIGHT! Matthew West Klovefanawards.com - 36 - #KLOVEFANAWARDS “Wherever I am, and however I am, K-LOVE has been that vehicle to the peace and grace and mercy of our great God! To come home to all of you is a blessing beyond description.” (Psalm 138:8) — Elisabeth Hasselbeck “I pray that every song you hear tonight and every award presented will serve as another reminder of how powerful and relentless the love of God really is.” — Matthew West Meet tonight’s hosts Elisabeth Hasselbeck & Matthew West